Elevate Student Learning

Utilizing creativity, problem solving, collaboration and communication skills.

Idea Tree Logo, with reading, engagement, creativity, history, math, theater, science, imagination, and writing surrounding it.

Company's Philosophy

Creative inspiration has led to great breakthroughs and awesome works in enterprises from physics to the arts to medicine.

The programs presented by The Idea Tree are based on the belief that students need to experience the world through their senses. We live in a three dimensional world, and although technology provides us with many tools to manipulate data and apply knowledge in a growing variety of ways, learning needs to be hands on and in person. Drawing, building, moving, and acting allprovide us with continuous information and feedback. This type of feedback can be analyzed immediately through our own senses.

Lessons and workshops that encourage creativity, problem solving, collaboration and communication, develop students into learners who can think on their feet. It allows students to try out their ideas knowing that not all ideas will work. Students become willing to share ideas, work to come to a common solution and provide support for each other as they work through each learning task. An intertwining of thinking, reading, writing, speaking, listening and imagination allows students to approach learning with a broader perspective. Energy and engagement in the classroom rise as students have a chance to bring their strengths to each task. At the same time students are exposed to strategies used by others that help them bolster their areas of weakness.

The staff development programs and student workshops pertain to a range of subject areas, knowledge and skills. Creativity, communication and collaboration are presented as components of all learning.

Staff Development Workshops

Creativity in the Classroom

(gr. 3-5)

Focus: Cross curricular projects with hands on art components

Skills: Creative problem solving, reading, writing, criticalthinking, art

Developing an Art Gallery Program

(gr. 3-8)

Focus: Creativity, art as a component of human society, Supporting the artistic child

Skills: Observation, fine motor, critical thinking, problem solving, basic art concepts

Theatre in the Social Studies Classroom

(gr. 4-8)

Focus: Historical time periods and people

Skills: Basic acting skills, speaking, writing, research, collaboration

Theater in the Lang. Arts Classroom

(gr. 3-8)

Focus: Oral presentation of prose, poetry and scripts, integration of the four modes of communication, drama as a means of improving comprehension of text

Skills: Listening and speaking, writing, reading fluency and comprehension, collaboration, eye contact and body language during oral presentations/acting, understanding the importance of the audience for a piece of writing or dramatic presentation

What's in a Cube?

(gr. 3-8)

Focus: Connecting math to everday life, past and present.

Skills: Area, volume, measurement, problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration

Teachers pick a topic such as designing a building for their city, studying life in a roman town, design of medieval castles, or planning a vertical garden, etc.

School or Grade Level Theater Program

Don't currently have a yearly student production at your school, but would like to add performing arts to your extra curricular offerings?

I will work with interested staff members to develop a theater program for your school. The plan will include logistics, budget development, scenery, costumes, script selection, audition process, rehearsals, performances, tickets and more.

Consultation time will vary. Two to four, one- hour sessions should be planned.

A fee for running the program along with a certified staff member from the school can be negotiated during budget planning. Or, the program can be run entirely by school staff once the full plan is completed, with consultation available if requested.

Student Workshops


Introduction to Theater

Studying drama helps to improve all areas of language production and reception. Theater makes the connection not only between the speaker and the listener, but also the author of the words. Meaning is transferred and acquired. Universal concepts are presented and ties between past, present and future are explored. In addition, fun, playfulness and adding one's own personality to the mix are part of the process.

Topics for the workshop can include: Traditional Greek Theater, Shakespeare, Vaudeville, Improvisation, Acting From a script, Readers Theater, Monologues, Dialogues, Poetry Readings (Selections based on teacher choice, age of students and length of workshop)

Workshop Length: This workshop can be a one hour overview,a 3 hour light speed tour of various theatrical forms or an ongoing program spanning whatever number of days or weeks you choose. The program can culminate in a short performance, or a presentation on theater your students could share with other students or parents.


Creating with Paper and Cardboard

Are you able to make a piece of paper stand up without folding or cutting it? What is the least amount of cardboard needed to make a mailing box for three basketballs? How many ways can you make a flower bouquet using only paper. These are just a few questions to start students thinking about ways they can create and innovate using their hands, minds and simple materials.

This workshop is designed to help students think creatively, problem solve, and create a final 3D project made of paper and/or cardboard.

Workshop Length: 1-3 hours (The teacher may select a math, social studies, science or art focus if desired)


A Step Into Fantasy

In this workshop students will take on the role of author. The most important element in fantasy novels is world building, creating a place and characters that cause the reader to suspend disbelief and buy into the story. Working in small groups, the students will begin by creating a setting. This will be an actual three dimensional creation. Next a “Magic Item” will be added around which to build the fantasy rules of the world. Then a list and description of main characters and/or creatures, followed by a complete story map.

The completed setting project and story map can then be used by the classroom teacher as a basis for story writing, or as a study tool for analyzing a fantasy novel the student or class is reading.

Workshop Length: Approximately five 1 hour sessions

Libraries and Home School Associations

All student workshops can be modified to fit your needs or custom programs can be designed to fit your program or curriculum.


Curriculum development in Reading/Language Arts, and Gifted Education

Staff Development Presenter including programs on Reading Strategies, Assessment, Language Arts, and Creative Problem Solving

Resource to teachers providing strategies and materials for advanced learners

Design and implementation of student projects integrating language arts, theater and technology

Team Teaching across the curriculum K-8

Collaborated with administrators, teachers and parents regarding curriculum and programs

"Susan is an amazing educator who challenges children to think beyond their dreams, to grow beyond their talents, and create from their passions. She looks to foster a sense of creativity and innovation in all learners and develops a sense of wonder in them."

James Mandracchia
Meeting House Hill School
New Fairfield, CT 06812


Consultation Fee: $50/hr

Short Workshop


90 minutes

Half Day


2 - 3.5 hours

Full Day
